Sunday, 18 March 2018

100 Word Challenge: Week: 8

Week: 8: The Mystery:

They had my friend. He was captured. I got to the castle, but it was patrolled by goblins. But where was he? Then I saw him on the utmost tower. It was him! I quickly threw up my grappling hook and climbed. But how did he get up there? Once I got into the tower I saw my friend in the center crying. But then I wondered… How did he get up there… No rope or any other thing to climb. I jumped out and used my glider, just as spikes slammed down in the room. It was a trap...

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Weekly Reflection-Week: 7

1. Finishing camp letter
2. Technology

1. Maths
2. Just because poem needs to be done

Sunday, 11 March 2018

100 Word Challenge: Week: 7

Week: 7: The Teacup:

On a fateful night, a shooting star fell from the sky… A child saw it hit the earth and went to investigate. But all he found was a teacup… a white teacup embedded in the ground. He inspected it and found a button. He pressed it. A door opened in the ground revealing a white slide. The child went sat down and sped into the darkness… A twist! A turn! A loop! And the cycle repeated until… Poof! The little boy appeared next to the teacup. Was it all a dream? Or was it real, who knows...

Thursday, 8 March 2018

100 Word Challenge Week: 6

Week: 6: The War:

This war has been going on for a long time. It all started when the General of our world declared war on the other aliens. Why had he done it? The aliens had shared their technology with us and helped us. Now instead of peaceful blue skies, our once beautiful world was filled with fast armoured spacecraft zooming around firing lasers and other assortments of weaponry. The space around our planet was filled with debris and smoke. It could have all been avoided if our General didn't do anything. But what if I was in charge all those years ago.